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Dance With Me!

AfroFunk Dance FitTM is a unique cardio dance experience for ALL LEVELS! BEGINNERS WELCOMED!!! Fueled by music and beats from around the world, there is a "message in the movement" that inspires positive transformation.


Come indulge your mind, body and spirit in a fusion of African, Caribbean, Hiphop and Funk dance movements culminated into one AMAZINGLY fun, funky, cultural dance workout that UPLIFTS your spirit, ENERGIZES your body and IGNITES YOUR SOUL!



SUNDAYS  (Jun-Aug w/Jess)

6:30PM - 7:40PM (70 mins!)

Heartbeat House

3141 Glendale Blvd.,

Los Angeles (Atwater Village)




7:30PM - 8:30PM 

Heartbeat House

3141 Glendale Blvd.,

Los Angeles (Atwater Village)





7:30PM - 8:30PM

Heartbeat House

3141 Glendale Blvd.,

Los Angeles (Atwater Village)

Listen to the enthusiasm of these two ladies who experienced AfroFunk DanceFit on the TJMS Fantastic Voyage Cruise! Move.Dance.LIVE!

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